• Daniel

Hey, I’m Daniel!!

Male · 25 y.o
From El Centro, CA, USA

I love going to the gym and the beach! I’m super clean and can get along with almost anybody!

Roommate Profile

Partying : Love to go out, but only on week-ends
Cleaning : Always tidy and organized
Tolerance to mess : I am annoyed, but can get over it.
Sleeping : In bed after 1am
Waking Up : Waking up between 7 and 9am
Tolerance to noise : Average
Smoking cigarets : Never smoked/Never will
Tolerance to smoke : No problem with smell of smoke
Smoking Marijuana/Cannabis : Occasional/Social smoker
Tolerance to Cannabis : I'm cool with marijuana, it does not bother me.
Finding the perfect roommates that are a 100% match with you will always be difficult. So the best way to go about it is to be aware of your differences with your roommate(s) and to discuss and find compromises!

Roommate Suggestions

Jacob User Profile Image
35 y.o.
San Diego, CA,
Conall User Profile Image
25 y.o.
Limerick Instit
Reese User Profile Image
0 y.o.
San Diego Miram