• Kyle

Hey, I’m Kyle!!

Male · 27 y.o
From Leawood, KS

I am a Senior at Wichita State University pursuing a triple major in Accounting, Finance, and Economics with a minor in Pre-Law. I will be joining Deloitte Tax LLP's San Diego office upon graduation in May 2019. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, swimming, exercising, playing golf, investing, traveling, and reading.

Roommate Profile

Partying : Definitely a homebody
Cleaning : Always tidy and organized
Tolerance to mess : It makes me sick. I'll prefer to clean it myself than to wait for somebody to do it
Sleeping : In bed after 1am
Waking Up : Awake before 7am
Tolerance to noise : Light sleeper
Smoking cigarets : Never smoked/Never will
Tolerance to smoke : Can't stand smelling smoke
Smoking Marijuana/Cannabis : Do not smoke/Never will
Tolerance to Cannabis : Can't stand it. Do not want to be associated with it. It's a drug.
Finding the perfect roommates that are a 100% match with you will always be difficult. So the best way to go about it is to be aware of your differences with your roommate(s) and to discuss and find compromises!

Roommate Suggestions

Cameron User Profile Image
25 y.o.
San Diego Mesa
Teliz User Profile Image
25 y.o.
Mesa College, M
Coleman User Profile Image
23 y.o.
Mesa College, M