Need a Roommate? We've got great roommates looking for housing!

Find a Great Roommate in 3 steps

List your Room

It takes less than a minute!

Do not procrastinate on it! List your room NOW to have plenty of roommates apply to rent your room. Some of our students book their room 2-3 months ahead!

Tap our network

Because why not?!!

We have been in business for 10 years. We have connections with all the schools in town and with all the companies hosting interns.

Get your rewards!

Thank you!

By becoming an official RoomChazer host, you will have to welcome and be friendly to your new roommate(s). It should not be that difficult! But we think you deserve a reward for that!

Here is what they say about RoomChazer!

Your perks as a RoomChazer Host

Verified Roommates

Money matters!

Every roommate applying for your room will be verified and financially approved. You won't have to deal with people who can't pay rent.

Get your rewards!

Thank you!

By becoming an official RoomChazer host, you will have to welcome and be friendly to your new roommate(s). It should not be that difficult! But we think you deserve a reward for that!

House Cleaning

Clean House. Clean Mind!

You may think you do not need any house cleaning. But having your kitchen and bathroom professionally cleaned once in a while really feels good!

To put it simply...

"RoomChazer finds you great roommates and rewards you for welcoming your new roommate!"

It's a win-win for everybody.

About RoomChazer

Christine RoomChazer Founder
Christine, Founder & CEO

Hi there, this is Christine, founder of RoomChazer (formerly known as San Diego Student Housing). I founded San Diego Student Housing when I was an international student at Grossmont College. Finding a decent room with decent roommate was just so difficult.

Now, with RoomChazer, my goal is getting bigger and bolder - creating the Airbnb of Student Housing. A platform that makes it super easy to find the right place and the right roommates! I want to make the process as transparent as possible so shopping for a room (and roommates) can be done all online in a safe and reliable way :).

Our goal is to have 300 "verified" beds in our database by January 1!

If you have a room for rent, list it on RoomChazer!! And tell your friends to do as well! Thanks!